Jazz chord theory

Folky Fridays - Free Scottish and Irish guitar lesson live stream, every Friday from 5:30 UK time (GMT)

Folky Fridays #40 – What makes a great sounding Irish guitar chord progression?

In this week's Folky Fridays free online guitar lesson live stream from Folk Friend I will be running you through ...
The secret to jazz chords in Irish folk guitar

The secret to using jazz chords in Irish trad guitar – tetrads part 3 from Folk Friend

https://youtu.be/cLXgfUrDqNk In this week's free Irish guitar lesson from Folk Friend I'll be showing you how you can use your ...
How to add jazz chords to folk guitar part 2

Jazz chords for Irish guitar lesson 2 – the ionian, dorian, mixolydian and aeolian modes

This is the second free Irish guitar lesson from Folk Friend covering tetrads or four note "jazz chords". This week ...
Jazz chords for Irish guitar 1

How to add jazz chords to Irish guitar backing PART 1: The three types of seven chord

In today's free Irish guitar lesson from Folk Friend, I'll be running you through the three families of 7 chords ...
V - I chord progressions for Celtic guitarists

V-Is: most important chord progression in Celtic guitar!

Hello viewers! I had a comment from Ed Wright last week asking about chords for V-I progressions, so in this ...
Folky Fridays - Free Scottish and Irish guitar lesson live stream, every Friday from 5:30 UK time (GMT)

Folky Fridays #4 – Interesting chord progressions and music theory – Irish jig in the dorian mode

I'm sorry that I was cut off by a technical difficulty so didn't have time to look at the other ...
Dennis Cahill Irish Guitar Lesson Part 1

How to play Irish guitar like zen master Dennis Cahill – part 1

In this video I'll be running you through an Irish folk guitar chord progression and unusual strumming technique used by ...
django Reinhardt chords for Irish traditional music on guitar

Using Django Reinhardt’s Gypsy Jazz guitar chords for Irish tunes in the dorian mode

This week's free Irish guitar lesson from Folk Friend will be delving into some of the shapes popularised by Django ...
Practice tips for Irish guitar lesson

Top Ten guitar practice tips for Irish, Scottish and Celtic guitarists – Folk Friend

It can be difficult to get started learning Celtic backing guitar. There is so much to learn, from ear training, ...
learn to play irish guitar like Dennis Cahill

Dennis Cahill Guitar Tricks – Accompanying The Old Bush Reel with “vague” and contrapuntal chords

I had a lot of positive feedback from the first Folk Friend Irish guitar lesson covering the unusual playing style ...